Jaydess IUD Mood Swings, Irritability, Sporatic Despair


Hi everyone,

I've had my Jaydess IUD in for 8 months now.

I've been bleeding for about 15-20 days per month. My doctor said to expect heavy bleeding for the first 3-6 months.

I'm experiencing a ton of mood swings, and constant irritability. I haven't felt happiness, motivated or excited about anything ever since.

I sleep 10+ hours which is not normal for me. I'm tired all of the time, and can fall asleep at the drop of a dime.

I don't feel like myself anymore, and I'm starting to feel slightly crazy.

I get easily irritated at my boyfriend for everything he does and doesn't do.

I used to be extremely ambitious and positive but now I feel like there's a shitty cloud hanging over my head constantly.

Anyone else ☹️😩?