Rape Survivor Mom's, Help!

Well, I'd like to start this by saying I love my husband. He has 3 kids from a previous marriage, two of which are girls and he has NEVER given me a weird feeling or worry or anything. He's an amazing dad and would never hurt his children. With that, I was sexually assaulted by my old step dad from 9 to 14. Finally I told and stuff happened and years passed and so on. Well, I am now pregnant with my first and I really wanted a boy, it's a girl. I am SO scared. I don't know if I can trust my husband with my daughter. He has two other daughters, but it just seems different now. How do I shake this feeling??? Any advice from others in the same shoes? I don't know how to approach him with it, because like I said. He has never gave me that thought or feeling. So lost at what to do.