I am hurting..

Maureen • Separated Momma of 3 Boys Roman 2019 & Ross 2021 & Ryan 2023

Yesterday I had an emergency visit with my OBGYN because Friday I was in the hospital local to my house with severe pain. I couldn't stand or sit and something was really wrong. On their ultrasound they said I had a cyst in my right ovary and that the pregnancy would be fine but when I went to my doctor yesterday he said the cyst on my right ovary is very little now but there is a white Mass outside of my right ovary in my fallopian tube and he said the size that it measured is equivalent to being 7 weeks pregnant, which I would be today. Then they did the internal ultrasound and they confirmed it was the baby and rushed me to the top hospital in my state, where they also confirmed this was an ectopic pregnancy. They said on Friday what happened was my cysts probably burst or leaked which caused the sac around the baby to leak as well cause the babies Heart to stop because there is very little blood in the top of my uterus from this all happening and instead of opening me up to remove the baby or the cyst they just gave me two shots of methotrexate and I have to go back in 3 days to make sure my blood levels are dropping.