We were going to wait to find out...but it’s a BOY! Due March 5.


We had our anatomy scan today. My husband was dead set going in that he wanted to keep the gender a surprise. We have a two year old son already, and waited to find out his gender until birth. I kind of wanted to know with this baby, but didn’t feel as strongly as my husband so was ok going along with the surprise. As soon as the tech put the baby up on the screen and then asked us to close our eyes (in case we got a money shot right off the bat) he says “well maybe we should find out this time!” I was totally shocked but excited so I said yeah let’s go for it! The tech moved the wand and boom: obvious boy! I had been sort of hoping for a girl this time but that all disappeared when I saw my big healthy boy in the screen. I’m so glad I know, because of course I’m totally excited and my son is going to have a little brother!, we decided to keep it to ourselves for a little bit but it’s fun to share he news with someone! I’m due March 5, and they are keeping that due date even though baby is measuring over a week ahead. My son was the same, and still ended up coming late, I guess I just have big babies!