My Birth Story, Adaline Mae 🌷October 6th, Friday at 2 am I woke up to mild contractions

Chelsey • Mom to a little princess 💕

My Birth Story, Adaline Mae 🌷

October 6th, Friday at 2 am I woke up to mild contractions. They weren't consistent or painful so I blew them off as Braxton hicks. Still, I couldn't fall asleep because they were so uncomfortable. At 4 am they started to become painful and more frequent. Woke Teekay up to take me to the hospital at 6 am. Bags packed we left. When we got there around 7 am, the doctor informed us I dilated from a 3 to a 4 1/2 over night so she watched me for an hour and I then dilated to a 5. They started me on pitocin to help me out. At 12 noon I received my epidural and just waited for her arrival by family visiting us. I started pushing around 8 pm and had her at 11:15 pm. My epidural wore off so it was a slow and painful birth but extremely worth it. Having her put on my chest after so much work I did was the most rewarding gift 💗She was 8 pounds and 5 ounces, almost 20 inches long 🎀