Cute idea!! 🤗

Alisha • Married 6.7.2014❤️baby #1 born 6.2015❤️👼🏻baby #2 born 4.2018 at 21 weeks👼🏻❤️baby #3 born 3.2019❤️baby #4 due 10.2021❤️

I've been trying to think how to tell my husband I'm pregnant (if I get a positive test tomorrow) since with our son I told him in a creative way. I have an in home daycare so I get up for work before him, but I don't actually leave so I'm thinking about taking the test when I wake up and if it's positive, leaving it on the bathroom counter with a note like the one below...what do you ladies think?! I like it because it's simple yet still creative and cute! 😊 (Found this picture online, I haven't made the sign yet...of course of all days he's off work today so I'm not sure when I'm going to get the chance to make it 😬)