Paraguard Issues and Benefits


Disclaimer: This is all based off my personal experience, I am not a medical professional, and in no way am I trying to persuade or dissuade anyone from getting this IUD. I would just like to share my story. I got my Paraguard IUD inserted on June 23, 2015 and I got it removed September 7, 2017, so I had it a little over 2 years. My first 6 months my periods were horrendous. I'm talking dibilitating cramps, Ultra absorbancy tampons with a maxi pad and I was STILL bleeding through my pants. My periods following that weren't much better, the only thing that lessened slightly (And I mean slightly) was my flow. On top of this there came the constipation. I tried everything, more fiber, less dairy, red meat, prebiotics, and probiotics, but I could not poop without the help of enemas and laxatives for the entire time I had my IUD. (I did not know it was the culprit at the time) Well, one day, I decided I'd had enough of my period for a while and I wanted to go on a hormonal form of birth control on top of having my IUD. So I got the Depo Shot, that was a whole new kind of Hell, let me tell you, I was on my period for 6. Months. Straight. On top of that, my hormones were everywhere! I felt like a horny teenage rage-monster, until I told my doctor. She suggested we try a different form of hormonal birth control: the Pill. Cue same exact symptoms of the Depo Shot. So, finally, I told her I just wanted to reset my body altogether and had her remove the IUD and I stopped taking the Pill. (Don't worry, my BF and I are safe and use condoms and keep Plan B in the house for emergencies) Since then, I feel great! I'm pooping again lol And my periods have gone back to normal! Now, would I get the Paraguard IUD again? No, but I am willing to at least try a hormonal IUD like Mirena. If that doesn't work, then I guess I'll give something else a try!