I don't know...


I had my daughter 15 months ago and she has been a joy...I just took a test and it says I'm pregnant, but I don't know how far along I am as I never had my period after having her. I have an obgyn appt on oct 30th, though when I made this a month ago I didn't know I was pregnant...so I may call to see if she can see me earlier. I'm sort of freaking out because I've taken a lot of medicine and I was recently at a conference where I had a ton to drink...I'm scared because I haven't told my husband yet - he hasn't come home from work yet and I just took the test randomly tonight. I don't know how he is going to take it since this wasn't planned. I'm scared of miscarrying and I'm scarred of giving birth again...all around I'm happy just with a lot of unknowns that bother me. Just in need of some kind words as I will be telling hubby in a couple of hours...

Update: he took it well :) he threw up ha! But we are good ;) I was so glad when he walked in the door last night so I could just tell him. I upped my drs appt to next Tuesday too!