Emotional after sex post miscarriage

A little background: my DH & found out that we were unexpectedly expecting late Feb only to not hear our much anticipated heartbeat at our first appt on March 18th. We were unable to confirm exactly how far along I was, but believe approximately 8weeks. D&C performed March 27th. Undoubtedly the most difficult thing I have ever experienced emotionally. I have trouble expressing my emotions as is, & often deflect them - I assume as a protection mechanism. The last week or so has been emotionally & physically better. After 4 weeks, the bleeding has become nearly nonexistent (tmi), & I thought that I was finally both emotionally & physically ready to be with my DH. However, afterward I broke down.  I don't know exactly why, & I feel sad, embarassed, confused, etc. Of course, DH was nothing but supportive & understanding, but will I ever be fully okay? I have wanted to be close to him for so long & only feel that I have pushed him further away.
I miss him & can't wait for us to start a healthy family together. I am worried I am going to get in the way of that. Am I the only one to feel this way?