I posted before but here is my story

Jessica • Jessica

I posted on here last week, but I feel that I need to share my story.

My husband and I have been trying since before we got married on 10/3/2015. we tried everything imaginable. We spent money on ovulation tests and pregnamncy tests. After almost 2 years of negatives, my 30th birthday (10/5) and his 30th birthday (9/28) were quickly approaching. I told my husband that if I dont get pregnant this year I am done trying.

I am a teacher so the new school year always puts a damper on my period,making my cycle go from 33 days to about 40 days. My last period was August 23. It was a normal but lighter period.

September rolls around and I buy that digital ovulation test that says yes or no on it since I must be testing wrong. I start that on day 5 of my cycle. There's 20 tests in the kit. Obviously being a teacher my days are never consistent. Some days I'm at the school until 3 others until 6. The tests should be taken at the samme time daily but that is impossible. So I take all 20 (!) tests with not one. single. positive. LH surge. I'm like... ok... no ovulation is there something wrong with me? I go 25 days without ovulating so I am concerned. Keep in mind my husband and I didn't have sex ONE SINGLE DAY this month due to waiting for that ovulation test. We have sex my CD 26 (9/10) and again on 9/17. I think also 9/26 but I'm not sure. I think we got tired of waiting lol.

Always being hopeful, I buy a crap load of pregnancy tests. I test on 9/26 because my period is late. Remember what I said earlier about back to school stress? I disregarded being pregnant as I barely saw a line. This was CD35 or 36. Then on 9/27, I took one in the morning and I swear I saw a faint line. I showed my husband and he didn't believe it I tested probably two times a day for the next 2 days. Finally on 9/29 I got my first positive ever. I called my mom immediately! Then I scheduled an appointment for that Monday to confirm everything. I took a digital test on 9/30 and it spelled out pregnant(!). That Monday my pcp confirmed my pregnancy with a blood test. My HCG level was 76 meaning very early in my pregnancy. According to my LMP I should be 6 weeks, but due to late ovulation etc I feel I am only like 5 weeks if that.

This baby is the best Birthday and anniversary gift God has given us. I pray that this baby thrives or else I really am done trying.

The meaning behind my story is that every woman is different and how they conceive is different. Once I stopped really trying... it just... happened. Thank you for reading my story.