He came early.


I was due on Nov 2. Today right before I went to work I felt like I peed a little. I went to the bathroom and my panty liner was soaked and a wierd orange color. I grabbed another panty liner and headed to work. On the way on snowy roads I started getting cramps. The would hurt then let up a little they were lasting 1-3 minutes and 3-6 minutes apart. When I got to work I ate breakfast but called my doctor. I only got nurse triage voice mail. My doctor called back in a hour and she told me to go to labor / delivery. They did a amniotic fluid test that was positive. My water had broken so baby was coming today. I was already dialated 2 cm. They got me to labor room. They said they would check I 4 hours since it was first baby. I went to the bathroom about 2 hours later and felt like I had to poop but couldn't. I was already at 6 cm. My cramps/contractions were hurting so bad I finally said I needed an epidural. So much better. They soon has me push. I pushed about 10 minutes then all of a sudden there were 15 people in the room. Baby's heart level dropped. I pushed 3 more times, the last week with vacuum assist and he was born. Water broke at 7 am and baby born at 3:20 pm same day. Since he was born at 36+4 weeks and only 4lb 12 oz he had to go to Nic U after we tried breastfeeding. He has body temperature regulation issues and low glucose. If those work out overnight he can probably come home when I leave in 2 days. Crossing my fingers.