Starting to get terrified.

aj • Savannah Kate 💕 24/04/18

So. I’m only 13 weeks but obviously lots of baby talk with my mum. I always new she had big babies. But now I’m having a baby, it’s starting to scare me!

Me and my first brother were both 8pound 8ounces. My second brother was born at 10pound!!!!! 😭 and my little sister was born at 9pound.

Everyone in my family has a history of big babies and the biggest being my mums uncle who weighed in at 14 freaking pounds!!!

The lucky thing I’m really hoping for (finger crossed!) is she’s had super quick births with all of us, the longest only being 2hours. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

We’re also all “natural baby makers” as I keep getting told. No negative pregnancy symptoms. All I’ve had this entire pregnancy is a few headaches and craving of fresh squeezed juices. So I guess that’s a bonus!