What. Is. This?!


So, this is probably not at all the norm in this group, and I sincerely hope I am not hurting anyone’s feelings. I’m just scared and need some reassurance.

My husband and I have 4 kids. The youngest is 14 months. We are preventing with condoms until his vasectomy. The other day, I noticed my period was late according to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period tracker</a> app. I downloaded two more just to be sure, and they say period wasn’t due yet. So I took this just to be sure. I’ve always been anti blue dye tests, but my husband grabbed these in a rush. It’s not dried out, I take a complex b vitamin that makes my pee pretty much neon. Has anyone had a test look like this that was not pregnant? I’m running out for some red dye tests today, but won’t be able to do that for a little while.