Went home sick today - vent.

I am 7 weeks pregnant. Work can't know yet. I have been feeling nauseated all the time but not actually vomiting - some gagging and dry heaving a few times where I thought I would but no.

I can't eat much though so I am getting fatigued and I am just in a really terrible mood. I have let the house go to hell and I have been ignoring my 3-year-old. And I am so nervous waiting for my first scan which isn't until 12 weeks - just not knowing. Bad anxiety.

At work they asked me to do a potentially dangerous physical task and rather than tell them or come up with an excuse I said I was feeling sick and went home. Really I am just grumpy and stressed. I am also very behind on my paperwork. I am paid hourly so I lost money by going home and my husband is probably going to be annoyed. I have to go pick my son up from school in a few hours anyway.

I tried to sleep but couldn't so it is just a horrible waste of my time. I feel so guilty like I should be so happy and blessed but I feel like all I do is complain about this pregnancy like I don't deserve it. It was very different with my first I never even felt sick and I had my first scan already at 6 weeks.

I feel like a bad stereotype of a woman calling off work and falling behind just because I am in a bad Mood/ slightly Ill from pregnancy...

Anyone else going through something similar? With work or with second pregnancy?