Wedding bands stuck!!! Help!!


So I didn’t listen to everyone’s advice and take of my wedding bands back when I still could because it was important to me to have them on being visibly pregnant. Well now I am 35 weeks pregnant, and my fingers swelled up like balloons over the last few days to the point I feel like my circulation is being compromised where my rings are. I have tried everything to get them off, from ice, to KY jelly, to lotions, to windex, even tried the tread trick and nothing seems to be working. The more I try, the worse it gets too! I purchased a silicone wedding band this morning that I can wear temporarily for the rest of my pregnancy; but my problem still remains— how do I get these off?!!! I really don’t want to have to cut them.. so if ANYONE has had a similar experience and success in taking them off without snipping— please let me know!! Thank you in advance!!