35 weeks and 2 days, Measuring 39 and half weeks...advice appreciated


I had an ultra sound this morning. The baby is measuring big at 8 pounds and 4 weeks ahead. I am not meeting with my doctor until Friday to discuss this when I have my next NST test. I would appreciate any advice or questions I should ask. Since I have been diagnosed with GD, she was said that I will be induced during the with week. I have also been measuring about 2 weeks ahead since week 20 and their is a family history of big babies. However, I was not expecting such a large leap since my last ultrasound at 32 weeks. I have kept my numbers in control with my diet and testing. I have also lost a couple pounds which is adding to the shock of it all. I am not married toba certain type of delivery. If I have to have a csection or get induced even, that is what I have to do. However, I want to make sure I am asking the right questions and what to expect to make sure I am making the right/beat choice for baby and myself.