Awkward sex stories!


I want to play a game..

All you ladies tell me about your awkward funny sex stories, ill start off... :)

... well me and my fiance was going at it, we felt the need to stop because we heard something coming upstairs, and then we carried on, we had to stop again, my bedroom door comes shooting open and I had never seen my fiance shoot off me so quick, and boom my brother comes charging through the door thinking we was asleep, and jumped onto the bed jumping on us both, luckily I had my nighty on.. BUT my fiance was stark naked! And then my brother decides to pull the quilt off us to get us up... but my brother had the shock of his life to realise he had seen a big willy rock hard, I had never laughed so hard but nervously at the same time! It was hilarious!

There's been a few times that me and my fella had been cock blocked! I could go on and on.. come on ladies let's hear your funny awkward sex moments 👌👍