☆☆☆ A long post about my abortion...

Actually, I didn't think it was going to be this difficult. I am a college student with an undocumented status. I am studying Business while juggling the hardships of my life. I have a boyfriend right now and he is the first ever serious boyfriend that I have dated. and we met online too, for that matter. We had unprotected sex about 2 days before my period was supposed to start, so we didn't think there would be a risk of me getting pregnant. I tested today 6 days after my period was supposed to begin, because I already had the symptoms of sore breasts, lethargicness, food cravings, and etc. I made an appointment right after the test results online via planned parenthood, and am expecting to skip class in order to go have an abortion. I really did not realize what an emotional toll someone has to go through in order to abort. I walked into my school's clinic yesterday and asked the receptionist at the front desk if I could see a doctor or nurse on site. The receptionist told me that I had to have something wrong with me in order to see them, and that I couldn't even get a regular physical. I asked around the topic of pregnancy since the lobby area of the clinic was a public and wide-open space, but I kept on getting the answer: "no". I left that clinic within 10 minutes of speaking with the receptionist, and felt dejected and shameful because I have no money in order to abort, and I have nobody to turn to. I am making about $70 on a good day at work, and it will take me more than 2 weeks to accumulate enough money. I don't want to tell my boyfriend because he would do anything for me but I can't rely on him like this. I understand that it takes two to result in pregnancy, but I feel responsible since I told him it was my safe day. I am not sure what I want right now. I don't know if all I need are words of encouragement or if I need time to heal the would-be emotional scar left on me. Thanks for reading this far... if I have more updates and if anyone is willing to give me some advice, I will begin the discussion post title with three stars: "☆☆☆" Thank you.