clear, thin CM. NOT stretchy

Daschelle • Expecting rainbow 🌈 baby on December 22nd! So very excited 💖☺️

AF due in 2 days on 10/15, me & DH have did the deed every other day during my fertile window and now I'm having some hot flashes , nausea , hungry all of the time , and extremely thirsty. i recently have realized that i have clear, wet, thin CM that isn't stretchy along with my CP being high (unable to tell if open or soft because it's pointed towards back). Has anyone else experienced this and gotten their bfp?? waiting to test again until I'm actually late but I'm getting nervous lol

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With my first baby I had a lot of clumpy white cm. We are trying for the second. I fell pregnant in June and had thin, watery cm and lots of it and was super thirsty. Unfortunately we lost that baby. But For me, cm is one of the first signs and extreme thirst! Good luck!


Sarah • Oct 13, 2017
So sorry for you loss. Did you say that your MC was milky and kinda watery? Cuz I had The same when I was ovulating and also the Same 2PO. I don't have EWCM , just the milky watery one. Is this a good sign for pregnancy?? Thank you


Daschelle • Oct 13, 2017
thank you for replying! that definitely makes me want to test right now lol! & sorry for your loss , i had a MC back in April , hope you're holding up pretty well


Posted at
i’m going through this right now. i’m not ttc at all and my boyfriend pulled out perfectly and it was when i was dry and far from ovulation. what happened to you?


Blaire • Nov 18, 2017
was your cm the same when you got pregnant the next cycle?


Daschelle • Nov 17, 2017
I actually wasn’t pregnant that cycle but got pregnant the next! Currently 4+5 🙂


Posted at
now i have gone back to a LOT of white CM , lol i have no idea what my body is doing. thinking i might have some sort of infection though, the opening of my vagina itches. not like a super I HAVE TO SCRATCH type of thing but kind of just an annoying sensation. yeast infection? BV? my discharge does have a smell but its nothing thats not normal for when i dont drink enough water. ideas??