Stay at home wife?


I really want to be a stay at home mom and wife but I'm feeling conflicted. I don't want to make my husband feel like he's putting all the work for the family (financially). Plus if something ever happened to him I'd have to provide for myself and children(when we have some). So I feel like I should have a go to school or get a good job but I really really don't want to!

If I go to school I'd go for sonography (someone that sonograms pregnant bellies)

And that would take between a year and a half to 4 years to complete with I don't mind doing but it'll cost so much and I don't want to work anyways!!

Do any stay at home wives/moms have home jobs? And if so what are they?

Do you think I should go to school?

What are your thoughts on stay at home wife/mommy?

FYI: I do have a job I'm a nanny and babysitter js.