Pregnancy twists...


I've learned a few things this pregnancy has taken me for a spin already and I'm at seven weeks four days. In early August I had a miscarriage, my partner and I were so crushed. I tried seeking out advise for light pale pink discharge at 5w 6d and had no luck, I had a terrible gut feeling and serious sense of loss. It smelled like AF.. An stopped after about an hour. Then I woke up from sleeping after my shift at work and it came back, heavier. My heart sank, my first prenatal appointment was literally that day. My doctor took a pregnancy test and after looking at the computer and saying I was almost six weeks along he paused..

"Wait a minute.. I read you took tests An they were positive. Ours was negative." I sat there staring at him is disbelief but cut him some slack.. I knew this was coming. He did a pelvic exam an checked my cervix which furthered the bleeding An helped somehow push everything out of my body.

I had an ultrasound down to confirm the loss and blood work. I was lucky I naturally miscarried.. and quickly. It lasted a week. After two weeks my body was normal again.

My partner and I shrugged and took a swing at TTC again. Though my doctor said "well.. you should wait three months for dating purposes." But alas I never got my period and found out I was pregnant again on the 15th of September. We were thrilled, yet scared.

Symptoms popped up and progressed.. morning sickness crept in and was worse then it was with my daughter. I was out in medication for it actually. And still continue to take it.

I started bleeding heavily lastnight at work after spotting for a day.. I passed two dime sized clots and assumed the very worst. Not again, I thought.. I called my doctor and he said to go to emerge just in case. The hospital where I live is honestly awful. I waited ten hours for an ultrasound an bloodwork. While people that came in with minimal things powered through. I was so disappointed. I sat in my hospital bed worrying.. I found out on Tuesday this week my levels were sitting at 69170. My doctor was pleased. Today I found out my levels were at 89000. They were rising I felt a little hope swell inside me. I've always had moderate cramping. Even with my daughter I did, I'm not sure why. Never horrible. Anyways, the ultrasound was done.. An there on the screen was my sweet baby, heart fluttering away at 155bpm and measuring at 7w 4d. I was and am so relieved.. all I can say is even when you start bleeding do not assume the worst and stress. Trust your instinct. I knew when I miscarried. I naturally assumed the worst because of my last miscarriage.. but everything is fine for me I think. Just gonna take it easy this weekend.

Baby dust to everyone, 🌈🌺👶🏼