Confession: I almost aborted my son (now 12)


I was 14. pregnant, in the system with no parents,after considering adoption and deciding against it, my "REAL" grandmother came and snagged me from my group home, bound and determined to force me into an abortion I WAS YET TO KNOW ABOUT... I was a stubborn will, and though I was only 14, and got pregnant by my FIRST love,and the FIRST time, and nowhere NEAR ready, I had made my mind up to go through with things. my grandmother however surprised me with a trip to Mexico and an appointment.. the same day of arrival ...SHE proceeded to talk to the office and take me to a room,without me knowing why exactly I was there! I laid on the table and had the strongest urge to clamp my legs shut when the doc came in. and I am so so glad I did! I kicked and screamed my way back into my grandmother's car where she kicked and screamed her ass all the way back to AZ with me,where I ran away and was put in another home. I started night school for my GED , and received it a month after my son was born. Dec 11th at 14 years old, I took on a full time job,and more classes. I received a Bachelors degree at the age of 22, and I can say, MY SON IS THE MOST AMAZING BLESSING.. He has turned into such a great young man. We have been each other's biggest loves since day one. Having a child as a child is hard.its hard as shit! but damn it if I didn't keep him, if I didn't fight and cry and puke and keep moving. damn it all if I did not have that little baby to get my ass straight and give my lost and broken soul a love to ground me, push me,and MAKE ME. I am who I am today because of that boy. and I feel amazing. each day he makes me proud,and it gives me a sense of completion to look at him each day.