Ladies I need some advice

I'm kinda upset. My fiancé and I are about to get married and he went to school with this girl whom is very rude and very "showy" if you know what I mean and while him and I were dating she messaged him and was trying to flirt with him and she's a stripper of course he told me and he deleted her and even blocked her and then one day I was on the phone with his mom on his phone and a Snapchat notification came up and it was someone adding him of course I'm

Not nosy but after the call I ended it and handed his phone to him and he looks at his phone and rolls his eyes and tells me that girl added him on Snapchat even though he blocked her on Facebook and insta. Well she sends him a message and she's asking MYYY man if she can give him a free LAP DANCE and he shakes his head and just blocks her. She's just like that she's told his own friend that she wants to sleep with him but I know I have nothing to worry about cause he wouldn't give any woman the time of day I'v watched him ignore and completely tell woman to simply GO AWAY but what is bothering me is SHE IS TRYING TO BE A GUEST AT OUR WEDDING. She is determined to go with one of his groomsmen as a date and obviously she SHOULD know I don't want her at our wedding. She's rude! She just likes to get drunk and sleep around. She has even had the balls to message me out of no where to just be awfully rude to me. I don't want her there and ladies I'm really tempted to go to her house and tell her SHE CAN NOT COME TO THE WEDDING. What should I do ladies. I'm so tired of her.