Food contamination


My boyfriend just can't seem to understand how to properly store food. Now that I'm pregnant even tje slightest mistep causes me to not eat. We have raw beef in the fridge today for bugers and I told him he could use some for his breakfast scramble this morning "as long as he sealed it properly". I didn't think twice about it and trusted him to saran wrap the package closed at minimum. I went to get something to drink and the fridge smelled awful. He said it was the onion he cut up earlier for our burgers...which were so pungent because he thought throwing them in a non-sealable sandwich bag was adequate. I explained how onions absorb everything and threw them out. Then I inquired about how he had stored the raw meat. He said "it's sealed, I folded it over and look, the meat is still red." He had just punctured the plastic and folded the corner over and considered it sealed, no saran wrap, no tupperware, no Ziploc bag...just a fold. I explained (in a fit of rage and tears) that if it's not airtight, it's not sealed and that I wasnt going to risk eating it especially since I'm pregnant. That's 10+ hamburgers worth of beef and our dinner for the night, so I'm pretty distraught...I'm probably overreacting but I trust my gut and I've told him a million times about food storage. He has loosely put a shooping bag over a bowl and considered it stored. What you guys think? I'm pretty germophobic and irrational at times, but I see it as legitimate concern.