Bedtime trouble


My 15 mo old daughter has been a superstar at naps/bed since around 7 mo. (With the occasional fight RARELY). For the past two weeks she’s kind of been fighting naps, they’ve def been all over the place. Sometimes she’ll take 1 and then 2 the next day. But the reason for my post is the fact that she’s fighting bedtime something fierce. We’ve always done bedtime 730-745. We sit in a chair in her room, give her milk in a sippy, lay her down awake and walk out. It’s like a 2 minute deal. For the past several weeks she puts up a fight, we’ve let her cry 30 min., then try to rock, but end up just letting her come out and she just wants to play more. I’m going crazy.

BUT she is getting her molars and teething like crazy. Anyone else experiencing this??