First time pregnancy, need advice!

I'm 20 & I just found out I'm pregnant after a trip to the emergency room today. The news is bittersweet since my child's father recently was incarcerated 2 weeks ago. I won't go into detail but there is a possibility that he is looking at a considerable amount of time & that scares me more than the pregnancy itself because I will be all alone. I am unsure if I want them to have a relationship after researching the effects it can have on a child to have a parent in jail/prison. Personally, I'm not even sure if I want to tell him because I'm scared and unsure of my next steps. He's not necessarily a bad guy as far as his character, its just his lifestyle, decision making & don't care attitude that bothers me. If he's not willing to change on his own, I don't want to bring a baby into the world as if I'm forcing him. The thought of getting ready to go through whole situation by myself (especially since he has yet to be sentenced; the amount of time he could be facing is still up in the air) is nervewrecking as I don't even know how I'm going to tell my family ESPECIALLY since he's locked up. Please somebody give me some advice, I really don't know what to do.