Honestly I’m done.


So this weekend I was staying at my dads and he let me go to a party. It was around 11:30 when my friends wanted to go sneak out to her boyfriends house. I text my sister off of snapchat.

Asking her to pick me up so I could get me phone. So she picked me and my friends sister up and she brought me to the house and I picked up my phone. My friends sister dad called and said she had to bring us back. I don’t get to see her a lot since we don’t live together my sister text my mom and told her where I was going to be ( with her ). So we told her dad my mom knew since we sent her a text. My sister bought my ice cream and when we were at her house my biological dad called and he was like “this is unacceptable. You were supposed to be at graces house!” He told me to meet him and as soon as he got off the phone. I started crying hysterically saying “Don’t take me there! Don’t make me go! He’s gonna hurt me!” I was terrified. I thought he was going to hurt me. My sister pulled into a parking lot and called her mom and her mom told her to bring me home and don’t open the door. ( I was having a full blown panic attack. Shaking, fast breathing, and irregular heartbeat ) I called my step dad and I ended up having to go back. I was in shorts and a jacket and i had to go on the highway at 1:30-2am while it was raining. My dad called me a compulsive liar and a liar. The next day be ended up putting me in a chokehold while I was eating. His grip was too tight at the beginning so I tapped out yet he didn’t stop. He was taunting me as he did it saying “you don’t know what to do.” He kept me there for a little bit and my throat was hurting for at least 20 minutes from it. I don’t know what to do but I’m just done.