Please HELP!!!

Samantha • 24 👑 💎

So I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years , we have a 5 year old son together ! He is 26 and I am 24 . Our relationship has not always been perfect and of course we had ups and downs . While I thought everything was going great we recently ran into these problems where he has been texting other females. He would delete the messages but the way I would find out is looking on the phone bill since we have the same phone line ! I would call the number I see him texting more frequently and then hang up to see if it was male or female ! I know it's childish but my gut feeling never lies . So Turns out it was a female , I didn't say anything right away but he can always tell when something isn't right with me and vice Versa with him ! So I said something a couple days later and he made up this huge lie saying he wasn't cheating on me but then says his friend from work in Delaware told him about her cause he told him he was bored at work ! He goes there for Duty on weekends for military , this time he was there for a month on orders so I'm like why tho and I had jus left from up there a week ago ! He said he was texting the girl but wasn't interested because of her looks , so I'm like if she was your type would yu be interested and he said no ! LIES , I know he was lying and he kept telling me he wants to be with me blah blah blah mess ! Something wasn't sitting well with what he had told me so I ended up speaking with the girl . I called her and spoke with her woman to woman. I told her who I was and the reason why I was calling and asked if she had a moment too talk ! I wasn't calling to yell or even to cause issues I'm not that type of person! So we spoke and she ended up telling mee what they were texting about and that it was his BROTHER WHO INTRODUCED THEM !!!! 😤😤😤! At this point I'm even more furious than before , like I'm not understanding how yu can walk around here making me look stupid Im thing everything is all good and turns out people are actually laughing at me 😢. So we argue and I tell him we need to take a break and yu need to see where yu actually wanna be cause if it was with me , you would have never did that ! And mind you all this is not his first time texting soemone , actually his second time I caught him last year too ! I jus feel so hurt like I feel like I've put everything into what we have built and I jus felt like he jus tore it all down ! What should I do ? Should I continue with the break and give him another chance or jus call it quits and try to repair my heart ?? I need help !!!