UTI issues!! Help!!!


So I’m having this weird problem and I can’t figure out what it is. I’ve had two UTIs within the past few months and now I just constantly have pain in my urinary tract/bladder but it’s not a UTI! I have no idea what it is!! It doesn’t hurt/burn while I pee, but it hurts after I pee. It’s almost as if it hurts when my bladder is empty. When I start drinking water again it starts to feel better (I’m always very hydrated btw). Sometimes it feels like I have to go more frequently but not always. This is a super annoying and inconvenient pain that I can’t seem to figure out! I’ve been trying to take D-Mannose to see if it helps and it helps a little bit but not fully. My next step would be to go to the gyno or a urologist but I really don’t want to have to do that😩 if anyone has any advice please help me out!!