He came inside me

This weekend my bf and I had a lot of sex. (We only see each other once a week or so because of distance). He came inside me everytime. Total of 4 times cumming in me. We're on the younger side (in our early 20's), and I'm still in college. But I kind of hope I get pregnant. I know we would have adorable babies and he would be an amazing father. (We've known each other for 7 years so he's not some person I just met) I know I should wait to have a baby until after college, but I have baby fever so bad. Ugh. I never really thought it was a real thing until I got it. And damn is it strong.

Update: not pregnant. And yes we have discussed wanting a child. He wants one as well as do I. He talks about what our kids would be like and what kind of parents we would be all the time.