Giving up on opk’s


So I think I’ve decided to just stop using opk’s for a bit. I know it’s all in God’s timing but I’m stressing myself out over it. I was supposed to ovulate on the 13th and my opk got close to positive so I figured the next day I’d get my positive but instead it was insanely negative. Like barely there and it’s been increasingly getting lighter day after day. Part of me wants to continue using opk’s but its doing more harm than good the way it’s stressing me out. I’ve became obsessive over it to where I was taking 3 a day. I told my husband I just wanna go with the flow for a month or two and see what happens. We’ll just have a lot of sex when glow says it’s my fertile week lol AF is due next week so we shall see. Plus I’m tired of spending the money on them month after month. We might just take a break from the opk’s and if nothing happens we’ll try them again but I’m just tired of stressing over it. I know it’s gonna happen eventually I just feel like the opk’s are making me go insane over TTC. Anyone else feeling this way or have any advice?!