Opinions from certified RN’s

I am going to school and am a nursing major and go two days a week and will be on campus for about 14 hours and have a two hour break. I am exceeding very well in all my classes except one. I have never had issues with teachers and take control for my own actions, but I am having an issue with my bio teacher. I am a very detail oriented learner and I know not every teacher teaches this way, I did not do well on a test but was still passing the class with a B average and the teacher asked me if I wanted to drop the class and if I could “truly believe I can get through this class” I told him I do well in lab and that it was one bad test but I would like to do tutoring because he reads very fast through the slides, and he said to email me times and he never emailed back, he also has marked me absent twice when I wasn’t because I was present for lab which means I was in class also. I just feel like I’m losing this battle with this class. I am considering dropping it and take it again at the new college I am moving close to. Opinions? My guidance said it’s better to get a withdrawal then a low grade.