Symptoms are so strong for 4weeks pregnant!!


It's killing me!! 😩😩😩 I used to have pretty bad heartburn every once and a while (like once every couple months) and my dad has it as well and has to take meds for it. Well I started to get heartburn as soon as all my other symptoms showed up and last night it got so bad it woke me up in the middle of the night. I'm way to worried to take my little pill to calm it down since it says to talk to a dr first.

Well I'm only 4 weeks pregnant and symptoms hit me HARD at 3 weeks, I also got a positive at 8DPO!!

With my CP I had last month I only got a positive at 12dpo and almost no symptoms.

I was so exhausted and fatigued on Saturday and Sunday I had to lay in bed all day and didn't eat much. I can catch on to smells so fast now and most usually make me feel sick. I NEVER puke unless I have the stomach flu and even then I can "control" myself. Well yesterday I was mid conversation with hubby and then I felt it coming and ran to the bathroom and puked.

I actually feel so much better in the mornings and everything tends to hit me in the afternoon.

I'm so happy to be pregnant but man I did not expect to have symptoms this strong!!