I need support please


Warning kind of long.

Okay so I went to the ER 2 days ago because I was having super high fevers all night and day like 104-105.4 and I was so dizzy I could hardly stand.

When I got sent home from work I had to wait for my fiancé to get home to go to ER because I was so dizzy I didn’t want to drive.

So I slept all morning till he got home.

When I went to the ER got everything figured out then the doctor told me something really upsetting.

He said the ketones in my urine sample show I’ve been starving and dehydrated. Now I’ve been in recovery from my eating disorder since March 8th 2016 the day I found out I was pregnant with my son. And I’ve thought I’ve been doing good I eat regularly and drink lots of water. So I don’t under stand how I’ve been starving... and he told me if I don’t “get my act together” I’m going to end up losing my supply and now being able to breastfeed my son.

I eat around 2000 calories a day or I try to (some days foods an issue cause money and my sons food and lunch while he’s at daycare comes before all else)

And I’m not sure what to do... I feel like I’m failing my son. And I’m afraid I’m going to dry up and relapse... I told my family what the doctor told me and they blew it off... like they kind of just said oh haha really.