Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?


Lately I haven't felt loved by my boyfriend or that I'm not one of his priorities. recently he was suppose to pick me from work at 8am so we could go to the shop to get my car fixed and I called him at 750 to see if he was on the way and he said he just woke up and forgot to set alarm... he didn't come pick me until almost 830 when he lives 5 minutes away from my work so at that point I was just walking and I was already in fumes and hurt because the day before that him and his roommate were playing games which is fine and I asked if he could pick me up because of my car and I didn't want to walk.. he said yes he will be there shortly.. he didnt show up until almost an hour later because they were playing video games. I understand having time to yourself and playing games etc. but if I'm on time for you why can't he do the same?.. it really hurt and all he told me was to drop my attitude..