Help... early delivery due to last pregnancy??


So... my daughter Emelia was stillborn in December 2015. I live in the U.K. So I'm now under a special team dealing with my pregnancy and any issues that arise.

I'm currently 18+6 and under the Rainbow clinic.. with the last pregnancy I had some anomalies, went for a scan and they couldn't find her heartbeat and I was induced, had a really traumatic labour and had a huge bleed after she was born..this time the checks have been done and this baby doesn't have any of the same issues...he looks great so far.

But the clinic have suggested that I have this baby early... either induced or c-section at 37 weeks (so still full term) If I'm honest I'm leaning towards a c-section just so they can control how he is etc and the labour/delivery... just wondering if this is normal and what everyone else did or everyone else's opinions that maybe I hadn't thought about or things I should consider.