My (First) Birth Story.!!


So I'm a little late we need time to settle in before I could get time to type all this haha.

My whole pregnancy went great concerning I have a blood clotting disorder (I clot to fast.) But my whole pregnancy both of us were very healthy. Because of my risk of clotting during pregnancy my doctor suggested I get induced at 39 weeks to prevent any clotting plus I was taking shots to thin my blood my whole pregnancy and you have to be off them at least 24 hours before birth to lower bleeding risk and to be able to get the epidural. So she scheduled me to go in on Sept 28th at midnight. Our doctor we picked was 45 minutes away from our town so we had to drive for a little bit.! Finally we get to the main hospital and start the paper work to get admitted and get my little hospital bands on and are taking to a room where I would have our son (Nathan James) I'm told to put on a gown and pee in the cup in the bathroom and they had a towel there next to the cup they asked me to wipe front to back on (I have no clue why still lol.) After doing what they say and getting in bed and answer a million questions its about 1:30 and they started my pitcon at a low dose and slowly (every 45 minutes and the time decreased after every time they did it) my labor started although my water had not broke yet. I was told the man that's going to give me my epidural will be here at 5 and here to give it to me about 5:30 and my doctor will be here at 7 to break my water. After she leaves its almost 2 so I play games on my phone and start to feel my contractions a little more. Eventually I fall asleep and wake up when its time for my epidural by this time I'm only a 4 but my contractions are pretty intense. The epidural went okay the only thing that really hurt was the shot to numb the area. I just felt pressure when actually did it. 7:00 comes around and my doctor walks in and I'm still at a 4 and she uses this hook thing to break my water and now we play the waiting game.! I got

back to sleep finally and wake up every time they come in to check me. I was dilating very slowly but at about 11 I was finally at a 6. I stayed at a 6 until they came back to check me around 2:30, I was at a 10.!!! It was time to start pushing they pulled down this light from the ceiling and brought in a bunch of tables and equipment and I began to push after a couple long pushes done in like reps (when working out) he was here.!! 3:19 P.M on Sept 29, 2017 Our little boy was born 6lbs 8ozs 20 inches long.! He is absolutely perfect in every way and we couldn't be happier.!!