i've been in a "relationship" with my SO for 3 years now.

before that, i was in a relationship for 3 years and spent a few months after the breakup until i met my now SO, at age 17. i'm now 20, will be 21 in 2 months.

i'm just getting into my career and i seriously feel like we're going in 2 different directions. from being so young i feel like i'm just starting to become who i'm supposed to be and he's dragging me down...but "love" right? i'm asking for advice from older women or someone who can relate. i've been through so much with this guy from the cheating, fighting, ending up in the hospital, etc. i just don't even want to be in a relationship with anyone right now. and not to lie all i do is work for 12 hours and come home to him (at MY place) so on my days off when i get the chance to go to the store so i can cook for us or just to get out the damn house and someone approaches me, i'm so flattered like wow i still got it, y'know?! i just feel stuck. after my first heartbreak and then when meeting him i thought i had it all figured out.