I need some advice Ladies!!! The father of my child is so mad that we aren’t together he’s taking it out on my baby!

Long story short we have been dating for 4 years but have been broken up for the last 7months. Our daughter is due next month and he has been a complete monster for majority of the last 7 months. As it gets closer to baby coming, he’s more heartless. He didn’t come to the baby shower (he lives out of state which is still no excuse) but I had such a good time I didn’t think about it too much. He tried to get back together many times but it is something I no longer want. To be honest, when we broke up before I found out I was pregnant I was done with him and happy about starting the next chapter of my life. I considered an abortion so many times but could never bring myself to do it because that’s not who I am. His behavior has made me regret my decision a lot because I never thought in a million years he would be so cold towards me. I never imagined I would be going through pregnancy alone. Anyway, today he pushed me to my limit. He makes it seem like being around me when baby comes is the worst thing in the world. I told him he didn’t have to come & he could sign over his rights since having a child with me is so painful but I know all this anger is because I no longer want him. He said he would do it with no problem. WTF! I just don’t know what to do at this point Ladies. I love my baby and I love her dad but I do not want a relationship. I’ve tried to have many conversations about us maintaining a healthy relationship for baby and he’s with it at first but when reality kicks in I’m talking about coparenting, he flips. In my heart, I just want to move on and never look back but I want to be fair to my child but he makes it so hard. Because I’ve been alone this whole time I’m in single mother mode. I don’t even think about his contributing. I just keep my mind on what I bring to the table which is sad. I don’t know what to do Ladies. Please don’t state the obvious. I don’t need that. I need to hear from women going through similar experiences and genuine advice! Thank you!!!