Sleep training help


I just want to explain my sleeping situation and see if any parents out there have a similar history with positive outcomes. I have a 13 month old breast fed baby that only falls asleep while nursing. I then carefully transfer him to his crib and hope that he doesn't wake up. He only sleeps for 2-3 hours max before we do the same thing! 😭😭😭 He has never fallen asleep on his own. We tried cry it out one time when he was about 6 months and he cried for over an hour (with us comforting him in between) but then he got so upset that he vomited and we stopped. I don't want to try cry it out again. About halfway through the night I take him to my bed so I can sleep longer than 2 hours at a time. I am just curious if this pattern will ever naturally stop. I'm a stay at home mom so this is working for us now but obviously this won't work forever. If you have older kids and this sounds familiar how did you eventually get out of this habit?