Facebook's "#metoo"

me too, but I don't talk about it. me too but I don't publicly announce stuff like that. me too, but I'm way too ashamed of my past and what happened. me too, but I still have night mares and think that I see him on the streets when I dont. me too, but he is out of jail and I fear for my safety. me too, but not enough people know that are on my Facebook, like my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins that all don't know. me too, but even after therapy and helping put him in jail with an anonymous testimony I still have trouble coping with what happened. me too, but I just got over that it wasn't my fault that I was raped when I was 17. me too, but I don't want to hear people tell me I am to blame for a drunk, drugged up 21 year old forcing me to have sex with him because "I walked with confidence and was too beautiful to pass up". me too, but the self image I have and lack of confidence 6 years later is still such an issue for me that I have a hard time finding anything I like about myself. me too, but I turned to drugs to numb the pain and try to make it go away. me too, but getting clean and coming to terms of my rape has hurt more than dealing with it at the time probably would have been. me too, me too, me too, me too, me.... too.