Just a rant


How do you claim to want a kid SO bad? How do you encourage me to get on fertility medicine since after 2 years together we couldnt get pregnant on our own? How do you put a ring on my finger? How do you do all of that then cheat on me the whole time im pregnant? How do you decide that a few minutes of satisfaction is more of a priority than your daughter? This is a 30 year old man im talking about, not a little boy...i can not wrap my head around the fact that the man who always said how bad he wanted a kid now has one that he hardly sees. She is 6 weeks old and I left him when she was 2 weeks. In the past month he said he wanted to come get her 3 times, then bailed all 3 times. He only sees her for about an hour once or twice a week. He is now trying to cut down the money he is giving me to help out. He said its because they cut hours at work, but i know thats not it. He already has another girl and he wants money to spend on her. I never in a million years imagined that I would be a single mom, but here I am all alone with our daughter. Guess I will listen next time I go after someone and everyone tells me he's a pathalogical liar..cause they were all right about this one. I look at my daughter and wonder how anyone could put anything before their kid and how anyone could be okay with not seeing their kid