Missing my friends....

Samantha • I am 29 years old, pregnant with baby #1. 💙💙expecting a boy!!💙💙 02/05/2018💙. I own a house with my fiancé in the country, we cannot wait for the adventure to begin! 🤰🏼

I realize that when I agreed to move out into the country that I would be sacrificing time with my friends... im 24 weeks pregnant and starting to feel extremely lonely... I moved in with my SO 45 mins from the city and we have a great relationship! But I work nights and on my nights off when I'm home all day and night 3 days a week I find that I'm home, cleaning, organizing, doing crafts, making dinner and waiting for my man to get home from work... which is around 6/630... we eat dinner, talk and watch tv... next thing I know know it's 930/10 and he's passed out on the couch and I'm WIDE AWAKE!! I usually sleep the morning away in order to stay on night shift incase I get called in. I'm a social person and when I lived in the city I would see my friends on a daily basis... I have 4 really good friends, one is pregnant due next month, on her fifth, so she's super busy and we just text every so often. We all have boyfriends in serious relationships. I have tried to make friends in the town I live in from work but they all have their lives figured out and seems they don't have time for new people, I've asked to go for coffee but never happens. My one best friend always tells me she wants to come over and we need to hang out! (she's been here once in a year). Says she wants to help me do some art for my babies nursery and Christmas crafts (we have always been crafty together). I'm starting to get fed up!!! I have asked her countless times to come over, since August, told her when I'm free and every single time something comes up on her end and she bails the day of! This week I told her I am free 3 days and that day came and again she found herself busy.. even after telling me that she's mostly free (she's not working due to medical/health reasons)

I'm no longer going to ask her to hang out or anyone else for that matter... I'm getting annoyed at being the only one trying! When I have my baby I'll be busy I won't even care about that anymore! I bet that's when they will want to get together but I'll be too busy for them.... which is sad because I've been there for them through the tough times and now when I feel like I need them the most they couldn't be bothered.... I'm not one to bitch to them about it or cause drama over it... I'd rather just back off and wait for them to take initiative... these are friendships of 15+ years.... we are approaching 30 years old and I totally understand our lives changing and going different ways... but we always promised we would make a point of getting together once a month! I don't hold my breath for that! Im that friend who will drop what I'm doing when a friend calls and needs a sitter, or a drive to the doctor for herself or kid, or because she's feeling depressed due to illness...I've gone to countless appointments and held their hands/been that shoulder to cry on... some would even call me mama Sam!

I really just needed to vent about this as I don't have anyone to talk about it to other then my mom lol another friend works nights also but lives over an hour away and we talk on a daily basis!! She's feeling the same way as me but our schedules are opposite and we never have a full day / night off at the same time! It's nice having hour long phone hang outs but that's all it is and I have not seen her since I was 3.5 months pregnant! I'll see everyone at my baby shower but with 50+ ppl coming it won't be very personal! Guess I'll see who sticks around when I become a mom! If you made it this far... thanks for listening 😘 #friendinneed

I should also mention that I have gone to the city many times to hang out, do shopping/lunch ... But the gas adds up and sometimes I cannot afford to go more then once a pay... I really have to make my trip to the city worth it. They also don't ask me to come out I usually tell them Im free and can come out... just feeling like it's one sided lately. It's not like I need and want my friends over all the time... just sick of bailing out!