Stillbirth baby girl


Hi, my name is Raven I’m 23 years old and I’ll be 24 on the 3rd of November. I was pregnant with my second child Reign Skylar Noble and my due date was the 12th of November but I guess god had other plans for my beautiful baby girl. My whole pregnancy I worked I’m a server so my job in its self is a lot but I did change a lot of things that I did at work because I was pregnant. On Friday the 13th I decided to work a night shift which I hadn’t done in a very long time because I really needed the money my rent was past due and not to mention having a baby on the way. I went to work and I felt fine about 3 hours into me working I stared cramping but it was nothing that I couldn’t handle I just thought they were Braxton Hicks I finished my shift and I drove home still in pain and I didn’t realize till I was driving how much pain I was in because I was speeding on the freeway to get home. I went home and took off all of my clothes and just laid in the bed in pain waiting for my SO to get off work cause I still didn’t feel as if there was something seriously wrong with me and while I was laying there I didn’t feel her move not one time and I kept tapping her trying to get her to move and she wouldn’t so I just got up and put clothes on and drove to my SO job and told him I was outside and that we needed to go straight to the hospital, so he gets in the car and the hospital is literally 5 mins away, as soon as we get there they wheel me in and I go up to L&D; and they put the gel on me to listen to her heartbeat and all I could hear was mine and I knew at that moment that she was no longer with me because they never had a problem picking up her heartbeat ever before. That’s when I just started crying profusely and my SO couldn’t understand why he just kept telling me everything was going to be ok but I already knew it wasn’t. They brought a ultrasound machine in and confirmed my worst nightmare and we both just broke down. I was sent into the ICU because I had to deliver her I was in labor for about 10-12 hours I really don’t remember cause I was so drugged up and in so much pain. I delivered her in the 14th of October at 1:25 pm she weighed 4lbs 14 oz 18ins and was the most precious little gem I’ve ever seen. I’m still in the hospital now and I’ll be going home soon and she’s been at my bedside since I’ve delivered her it hasn’t really set in that I have to say goodbye to her soon and that I will no longer physically see her body anymore but when they tell me I can leave I know it’s going to hit me hard. I love her so much and I want to hold her in my arms for eternity but I know that I can’t.