Mucus plug & Sex??

Brittany • wife to henry, mama to norah + chloe

Okay, so I’m just super curious if this is a thing that can happen.

I have been dying to have sex with my husband for WEEKS since hitting 37 weeks at the beginning of October. I am now 39w1d & 3cm dilated and having irregular contractions. I even went and saw my chiropractor today to help with my back labor pains. Anyways, he’s finally agreed and said it’s happening tonight (fingers crossed it brings on labor) but I have been losing my mucus plug for a couple days now and it’s not clear like in the beginning and now resembles snot. (Just lost a decent amount like 5 mins ago) 😅

So have any ladies done the deed this late and DURING sex have had some of your mucus plug come out?? I lost mine the first time at 32 weeks two days after sex so I’m not sure if it can dislodge during and just hang out in there until a dick invades and wham bam, it’s like hanging out on his dick or something. I’m so scared but I really want this *maybe last intimate moment with my husband before baby arrives. 😭😭😭

Maybe you have advice? I don’t want to scar him with this when he is about to watch our baby come into the world and I simultaneously poop everywhere at the same time (fingers crossed that doesn’t happen either.)