Should I be embarrassed I am on Obamacare?


My husband is an IT consultant and I am a Suicide Prevention Specialist. We each make around 30-35,000 a year. My husbands work doesn’t offer insurance. The owners voted to use Obamacare because many people got it cheaper than what it would cost for a plan through the company. My husband and I qualify for some of the subsidies and it cost us about 274 a month. I don’t get insurance through my job because I need to work 40 hrs a week, and I work 32. I am going to graduate school and I am a hard working person, but I feel embarrassed I told my friends at work our insurance situation. I asked them about the insurance they get through work, and they wanted to know about my husbands. So I told them what I told you guys above. I now feel judged and ashamed and I’m not sure why. I brought it up because im worried about the subsidies going away with Trump and it costing 1000 a month with the new baby (I’m 7 months prego). Before, our insurance would be fine because subsidies. I told them this also, and like I said I am embarrassed. What are yalls thoughts on this?