Real men do exist

I just have to put something positive on here because all I see are posts about how horrible their husbands are and how they cheated or are controlling/ abusive or won't help out etc.- but I just have to say , REAL MEN DO EXIST YOU JUST CANT SETTLE FOR A JERK WAD. You can't marry a frog expecting it to become a prince. Girl just marry yo self a prince to start with!

My husband helps with whatever I need help with and never complains to me about it. He opens every door for me, always has and always will. We don't raise our voices at each other if we disagree- I swear to you I didn't even have to "train him". I mean damn he knows me so well I can look at him a certain way and he'll guess whatever it is I want him to do. Like "babe you thirsty? Want me to grab you a water?" Or "Cold? Need a blanket?"

I'm not saying that we are perfect people-but he treats me perfectly. And he does it because he's a good man that loves me. Don't settle for anything less.

My man is so wonderful it has me like:

Allll the time. There ARE good men- just don't settle for one that's not. Take no 💩 !