Lonely loner


So I’ve never really had any friends. I used to have two best friends but one moved away. I really have only had one since I was 12 and I’m 15 now. People have seemed to be nice to me only to be polite. I am shy but a couple years ago I tried desperately to make friends. I had them over at my house but they seemed like they hated being there and never invited me for anything. I always was nice and complimented them but they’d just say thank you and only treat me like an acquaintance. So then I gave up. And I just feel like I don’t relate to people at all but I need them so bad but I hate being with people cuz I just feel left out and more sad than before. So then early this year I got severe depression from a guy who I had liked for 5years but who flirted with a ton of girls. And soon enough I got suicidal and I started self harming. Can anyone relate to this?