:( why can't it just be me...


So a person I thought was my friend who I have known since the 2nd grade we are now both 22 this year went all psycho last year and told me.

I faked having a baby (he was born sleeping last year at 29 weeks even tho photos where posted up of him and me holding him) I apparently faked it.... I wasn't fake it for the life of me! I miss my son everyday and wish he was here with me.

And then she turned around and say "oh yeah that right after I said my son passed away, what about ya wannabe son then" taking about my stepson. So my partner wrote he a message to basically leave me along.

Because she told me she was calling docs about my sons being in a druggy home. I have never even used drugs never even tried them or attempted or wanted too. I basically cut her out of my life because I didn't need that 6 months after losing my son is been about 10 months now since I deleted her on Facebook.

I was just looking in Facebook and I seen that my other friend who I also went to school with congratulated her I felt like asking her if it was a doll cause she totally faked it... like how stupid and rude.... grrr makes me so made someone like her who lives at home, doesn't work, relays on her parents for money and support, can have a baby.

But yet someone like me and my partner, I work full time, he works part time, we both have lived together for 2 years been together almost 3 years and we lose our son they world isn't fair.!

Ttc with pcos suck big balls and since I lost my son 25kgs later and cannot lost the weight I train 4 days a week boxing, squat, sit ups everything weights... ahhhhhhhhhhh

Thanks everyone rant over.