My VJJ has grown a personality

So I don’t know if anyone has gone through this, if you have please share. So I’m in my late 20s for the past couple of weeks my VJJ has just been weird. All of a sudden it’s somewhat sensitive. During the course of the day, I can feel it feel stuff - I can feel my CM being sticky when it is, sometimes I get light flatulence (nothing like the rear ones 🙈) and I can feel it like never before.

I’m not in any discomfort. There aren’t any out of the ordinary things happening down there. I’m not pregnant (tested this week), my annual check up came out clean, so I’m good. Oh. I also haven’t had sex in weeks and my periods are bit late (a few days) so I can’t think that flatulence is because i “inserted something” in it.

It’s just so strange, I’ve never felt my VJJ before and now it literally has a personality, it can feel it feel things 😂😂😂.

Anyone relates?